Our hunters are filling up the glass! Keep sending those pictures in with your child or amusick@ste.k12.mo.us!

The JH Girls basketball awards are:
A team:
Bella Green - Most Points, Most Rebounds, and Most Steals
Mya Oligschlaeger - Most Assists
Macy Bax - Most Blocks
B Team:
Hannah Prather - Most Points, Most Steals, and Most Assists
Katelyn Oligschlaeger - Most Rebounds

The JH Boys had their awards ceremony tonight. Congratulations to the award winners: A Team
Charlie Rowden - 1 Most Points and Most Steals
Liam Gibson - Most Assists and Most 3-Pointers Made
Cooper Coleman - Most Rebounds and Most Blocks
B Team winners:
Tucker Kemna - Most Points
Drew Scheulen - Most 3-Pointers made
Evan Hammond - Most Rebounds
Gavin Werdehausen - Most Improved

JUST got word, there will NOT be 1/2 C game on Friday. Linn does not have enough players for that. Games still start at 4:30.

*The JH Basketball Awards are tonight - Boys at 5:30, Girls at 6:00...in cafeteria.
*HS season kicks off Friday, 11-22, vs Linn. Start time 4:30 - 1/2 C Boys, 1/2 JV Girls, full JV Boys, Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys.

Here is the latest edition of "The Hornet Buzz". We have had a very busy couple weeks and there are lots of events coming up! Be sure to check it out! https://secure.smore.com/n/kxtsa
Next edition will be on December 6th!

Students in 5th, 6th, and 7th grade had the opportunity to participate in Hunter's Education. All students passed. A big thank you to Diane Juergensmeyer for teaching the class. Thank you to Rich Juergensmeyer and a few high school students for helping with the skills session.

Reminder that we are still collecting deer pictures! If your child gets one during regular season, send a picture in or email amusick@ste.k12.mo.us!

Bulletin 7 - November 15

Who's ready for basketball? We are! 🏀💛🖤

Canned food scrimmage--boys versus boys! These boys are ready for their season! 🏀

Canned Food Scrimmage--boys versus girls! 🏀

Canned Food Scimmage, girls edition! It was a great night to see our girls gearing up for the season! 🏀

SADD Hot Chocolate Friday is tomorrow! Hot chocolate costs $1!

Kindness Club created door hangers for the St. Elizabeth Care Center. They made 60 door hangers for each resident. This morning, a couple members of Kindness Club delivered them!

NHS is hosting a Blood Drive on November 19, 2024 from 12:30-5:30 at the Community Center. RedCrossBlood.org and enter: StElizabethRIV to schedule an appointment.

We had the raising of the flag by the American Legion Post 545, "Taps" played by Hadley Lane, and got to view our Veterans Memorial.
If you would like to learn more about our local Veterans or our Veterans Memorial, you can visit stelizabethmo.org/veterans.

It was a great morning to celebrate our Veterans! Thank you Dale Doerhoff for being our guest speaker. We learned all about the history of those who served from our area and about the Veterans Memorial. Thank you to all the Veterans who attended our ceremony. We appreciate you and thank you for your service! ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸
Thank you to Mrs. Holtmeyer and her business class for the slideshow, programs, and all your work to plan for the ceremony.
Thank you Mr. Breeding and the band for the music for the ceremony.

Presentation of the Flag featured our very own Kai Steinbeck and Betty Johnson. Thank you Lake Ozark Regional Composite Squadron of the United States Civil Air Patrol!

It was a great morning to serve breakfast for our Veterans!
Thank you Liz and Phylis for the delicious breakfast!
Thank you Mrs. Otto and Student Council for checking in Veterans and helping at breakfast!