It is time to sign up for Battle of the Books. If any JH or HS students are interested please see Mrs. Lackman.
over 2 years ago, Alicia Burrows
Battle of the Books
St. Elizabeth students practice bus drills Wednesday morning. Transportation Director Diane Juergensmeyer talked to the students about bus safety procedures and what to do incase of an emergency. Each bus has a emergency bag on board for students and staff to use if needed. If you are driving through a school zone, slow down, watch for kids and do not pass a bus.
over 2 years ago, Alicia Burrows
bus drill
bus drill
bus drill
bus drill
Before Care playing this morning. It’s always fun at school!!
over 2 years ago, Alicia Burrows
Before Care
Before Care
Before Care
Before Care
Hornets take one on the chin in a 4 inning game. Regular season starts next week.
over 2 years ago, Doug Kempker, Superintendent
Sam hitting
Brayden catching
Gavin pitching
Hornet crew
The Hornets win big in game one. Game two coming soon!
over 2 years ago, Doug Kempker, Superintendent
Caleb homerun
more Hornet offense!
Jace homerun
The 2022-2023 baseball season is underway with a 2 - 4 inning set in Belle this evening.
over 2 years ago, Doug Kempker, Superintendent
Levi at 3rd.
Gavin hitting
1st base defense
Caleb pitching
The August school board meeting is tonight.
over 2 years ago, Doug Kempker, Superintendent
board meeting
Our last stage of tuckpointing is about to begin this week.
over 2 years ago, Doug Kempker, Superintendent
Fall Softball and Baseball practices started today…getting a good start to a great season!
over 2 years ago, St. Elizabeth R-IV School District
softball girls
baseball field and students practicing
students practicing throws
baseball field and students practicing